User Guide

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to UniTracker

    1.1 About UniTracker
    1.2 About This User Guide
    1.3 How to Use This User Guide
    1.4 Conventions in This User Guide

2. Quick Start

    2.1 System Requirements
          2.1.1 Windows 7 and Above
          2.1.2 Mac OS
          2.1.3 Linux

    2.2 Start Up

3. Features

    3.1 Module Information
          3.1.1. Add a Module
          3.1.2. View a Module
          3.1.3. View All Modules
          3.1.4. Delete a Module
          3.1.5. Add/View Components and Their Weightages
          3.1.6. Add Module’s Modular Credits (MC)
          3.1.7. Add Module Grade
          3.1.8. Add a Review
          3.1.9. View All Reviews
          3.1.10. Delete a Review
          3.1.11. Add New Task
          3.1.12. Delete Task
          3.1.13. Add Zoom Link
          3.1.14. Delete Zoom Link

    3.2 CAP Simulator/Calculator
          3.2.1 Add CAP and Number of MCs counted towards CAP
          3.2.2 View CAP and Number of MCs counted towards CAP
          3.2.3 Simulate future CAP

    3.3 Task Manager
          3.3.1 Add New Task
          3.3.2 Mark/Unmark a Task as Done
          3.3.3 Delete a Task
          3.3.4 View All Tasks
          3.3.5 Pin a Task

    3.4 Links
          3.4.1. External Links Menu
          3.4.2. Add an External Link
          3.4.3. Remove an External Link
          3.4.4. View all Links
          3.4.5. Add a Zoom Link
          3.4.6. Delete a Zoom Link
          3.4.6. View Zoom Links

4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

5. Command Summary

1. Introduction to UniTracker

UniTracker is a one-stop application for NUS students to keep track of their work in school. This product is optimal for students who prefer Command Line Interface (CLI) over Graphical User Interface (GUI).

1.1 About UniTracker

UniTracker consists of 4 key features (refer to Section 3. Features) that helps to organise all the information you need in one place. You can add and edit module information, tasks, zoom links to suit your needs.

1.2 About This User Guide

This user guide was made to help you set up UniTracker on your computer and also provide you with all the information you need to use UniTracker. It clearly documents the features UniTracker offers with examples to aid you in familiarising yourself with UniTracker.

1.3 How to Use This User Guide

Firstly, refer to Section 2. Quick Start for instructions on setting up UniTracker on your local computer.

Once UniTracker is up and running, you can refer to the table of contents to navigate to specific sections to explore, learn and use UniTracker.

Additionally, we included ‘Go To Table of Contents’ and ‘Go To Command Summary’ hyperlinks at the end of every section to help you navigate through this guide easily.

1.4 Conventions in This User Guide

In this user guide, all text that appears on the CLI or in code will be written in a code block.

In the example code for each feature, all user inputs will start with an angle bracket. E.g. > user input

This is a note section. Additional useful information will be written in sections such as this one.

This is a warning section. Any user interaction with UniTracker that may result in issues or unintended results will be written in sections such as this one.

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→ Go To Command Summary

2. Quick Start

2.1 System Requirements

Your operating system should be: Windows 7 and above, macOS or Linux.

Next, ensure that Java 11 is installed on your computer. You can download the latest version of Java 11 from here.

2.1.1 Windows 7 and Above

  1. Download the latest Jar file from here.
  2. Save the Jar file into your desired folder.
  3. Open your windows search bar and type cmd to open command prompt.
  4. Navigate to the folder you stored your Jar file in.
    • You can open a folder by typing cd followed by space then the name of your folder.
  5. Once you are in the folder, enter java -jar duke.jar to run the application.

2.1.2 Mac OS

  1. Download the latest Jar file from here.
  2. Save the Jar file into your desired folder.
  3. Open the terminal by clicking on Launchpad, then Utilities, then terminal.
  4. Navigate to the folder you stored your Jar file in.
    • You can open a folder by typing cd followed by space then the name of your folder.
  5. Once you are in the folder, enter java -jar duke.jar to run the application.

2.1.3 Linux

  1. Download the latest Jar file from here.
  2. Save the Jar file into your desired folder.
  3. Open the terminal on linux.
  4. Navigate to the folder you stored your Jar file in.
    • You can open a folder by typing cd followed by space then the name of your folder.
  5. Once you are in the folder, enter java -jar duke.jar to run the application.

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2.2 Start Up

Upon successful installation of your Jar file, you should see this welcome message after running the Jar file:

   Welcome to 
     _   _               _      _____                                _
    | | | |   _ _       (_)    |_   _|     _ _    __ _      __      | |__     ___       _ _
    | |_| |  | ' \      | |      | |      | '_|  / _` |    / _|     | / /    / -_)     | '_|
     \___/   |_||_|    _|_|_    _|_|_    _|_|_   \__,_|    \__|_    |_\_\    \___|    _|_|_
   _|"""""| _|"""""| _|"""""| _|"""""| _|"""""| _|"""""| _|"""""| _|"""""| _|"""""| _|"""""|
   "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-' "`-0-0-'

  This is the list of your pinned tasks:

  Main Menu:
  [1] Module Information
  [2] CAP Simulator/Calculator
  [3] Task Manager
  [4] External Links
  [5] Exit Program

In order to start using our features, navigate to your desired menu by inputting the respective index. E.g. 1 would bring you to the Module Information Menu.

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→ Go To Command Summary

3. Features

This section gives a detailed description of each feature, including examples to aid your understanding.


  1. Ending the application abruptly may cause changes to be discarded!
  2. Please do not modify the UniTracker Data folder and its files if they exist.
  3. Unfortunately once you enter an action, you would have to complete it. There is currently no way of having a forced escape out of the action, but we will work on implementing that in future versions.
  4. Please note that ‘ ~~ ‘ is a restricted character and will not be allowed as an input!

Main Menu:

This is the list of your pinned tasks:

Main Menu:
[1] Module Information
[2] CAP Simulator/Calculator
[3] Task Manager
[4] External Links
[5] Exit Program

3.1 Module Information

The Module Information feature allows you to add/delete modules, and add information to the module of your choice.

Navigating to the Module Information Menu

Input 1 from the main menu to enter the Module Information menu.

Module Information menu:

> 1
Welcome to the module information menu ^~^
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1]  --- Add New Module
[2]  --- View a Module
[3]  --- View All Modules
[4]  --- Delete Module
[5]  --- Add/View Components and Their Weightages
[6]  --- Add Module's Modular Credits (MC)
[7]  --- Add Module Grade
[8]  --- Add a Review
[9]  --- View All Reviews
[10] --- Delete Review
[11] --- Add New Task
[12] --- Delete Task
[13] --- Add Zoom Link
[14] --- Delete Zoom Link
[15] --- Exit to main menu

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→ Go To Command Summary

3.1.1 Add a Module

Adds a new module to the modules list.

Module name and description cannot be empty.
You cannot modify a module’s name or description.

If you entered an incorrect name or description, please delete the module and
add a new module with the correct name and description.

Example for adding a new module:

> 1
Enter name of the new module:  
> CS2113T  
Enter module description:  
> Software Engineering and OOP    
New module added:  
Software Engineering and OOP  
Returning to module information menu...  

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→ Go To Command Summary

3.1.2 View a Module

Select a module to view its details: module name, description, review, modular credits , grade, tasks
Example of viewing a module:

In this example, module CS2113T has already been added through the add module feature.
Tasks have been added through the add new task feature.

> 2
Here are the modules in your Modules List:
[1] --- CG1112
[2] --- CS2040C
[3] --- CS2113T
Which module would you like to view?
> 3
Name: CS2113T

software eng


heavy workload!

Modular Credit:


Zoom Link:

These are your tasks: 
1. [Task][CS2113T][    ] PE
Returning to module information menu...

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→ Go To Command Summary

3.1.3 View all Modules

Lists out all the modules added to UniTracker.

Example for listing all the modules:

In this example, modules CS3243 and CS2113T have already been added through the add module feature.

> 3  
Here are the modules in your Modules List:    
[1] --- CS3243    
[2] --- CS2113T   

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3.1.4 Delete a Module

Deletes a module from the list of modules.

Deleted modules cannot be retrieved. Any tasks under the module will also be deleted.

Example for deleting a module:

In this example, modules CS3243 and CS2113T have already been added through the add module feature.
Reviews for these modules have already been added through the add a review feature.

> 4  
Here are the modules in your Modules List:  
[1] --- CS3243  
[2] --- CS2113T  
Enter the module number to be deleted:  
> 1  
Are you sure you want to delete CS3243? [Y/N]
> Y  
You've deleted this: CS3243   
NOTE: You are deleting your module description  
Intro to AI  
NOTE: You are deleting your review  
The lectures were very entertaining. I have learnt a lot of important algorithms.  
Assignments and quizzes helped me learn concepts faster.  
Overall: 5/5  
Returning to module information menu...  

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3.1.5 Add/View Components and Their Weightages

Adds or displays components, and their weightages that adds up to 100 for an existing module.

In this sub-section, the word, “components”, will be used interchangeably to mean components or components and its associated weightage for simplicity.



Example for adding component and weightage to a module:

> 5
Which action would you like to proceed with? Key in 1 or 2.
[1] --- Add Component
[2] --- View Component
> 1
Here are the modules in your Modules List:
[1] --- CS2113T
[2] --- CG1112
Which module would you like to add a component?
> 2
Please key in your component and weightage of the component. 
Leave space between component and weightage only.
Example: FinalExam 20
> FinalExam 40
Are you sure you have keyed in the correct name and weightage?
Note: you may only change this by deleting the module associated with it.
[1] --- Yes, I confirm my inputs.
[2] --- No, I wish to key in my inputs again.
> 1
Component and weightage added!

Example for viewing the components and weightage of an existing module:

> 5  
Which action would you like to proceed with? Key in 1 or 2.
[1] --- Add Component
[2] --- View Component
> 2
Here are the modules in your Modules List:
[1] --- CS2113T
[2] --- CG1112
[3] --- CS1010
Which module would you like to view components?
> 1
From Module object: CS2113T

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3.1.6 Add Module’s Modular Credits (MC)

Adds modular credits for an existing module.

You may overwrite the existing modular credits for an existing module.

Supported MCs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20; As these MCs are more common, they are selected to be valid MCs input. Invalid MCs are not allowed and entries for such inputs will be discarded.
By default, when a new module is added, modular credit is set to zero.

Example for adding modular credits to a module:

> 6
Here are the modules in your Modules List:
[1] --- CS2113T
[2] --- CG1112
[3] --- CS2040C
Please choose which module you would like to allocate modular credits (MCs) and enter the number:
> 3
Enter the number of MCs for this module: 
> 1
The current MCs associated with CS2040C is: 4
Overwriting current MCs for CS2040C to: 1
Returning to module information menu...

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3.1.7 Add Module Grade

Adds module grade to an existing module. The module grade added can be used to compute a simulated CAP.

You can overwrite the existing module grade for an existing module by simply adding module grade to it.

List of accepted grades: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D+, D, F, SU
By default, when a new module is added, module grade is null.

Example for adding grade to a module:

> 7
Here are the modules in your Modules List:
[1] --- CS2113T
[2] --- CS3243
Please choose which module you would like to assign a grade and enter the number:
> 1
Enter the grade for this module:
> A

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3.1.8 Add a review

Adds a review for the module of your choice.

Anything typed after typing ‘/end’ for reviews will be ERASED from the review. This CANNOT be undone.

Example for adding a review:

You may choose to keep or replace any existing reviews.
In this example, CS2113T has an existing review. (CS3243 and CS2113T have already been added through the add module feature.)

> 8  
Here are the modules in your Modules List:  
[1] --- CS3243  
[2] --- CS2113T  
Please choose which module you would like to review and enter the number:  
> 1  
You have already added a review:  
Very very very difficult for me:( But, very important to know!  

WARNING: This will delete your old review. This cannot be undone.
Would you like to replace this with another review? [Y/N]
> Y  
Type '/end' to finish reviewing.  
WARNING: Anything typed after '/end' will be erased!  
Enter your review for CS3243 below:  
> The lectures were very entertaining. I have learnt a lot of   
> important algorithms.  
> Assignments and quizzes helped me learn concepts faster.  
> Overall: 5/5  /end  

Woohoo~ Review added:  
The lectures were very entertaining. I have learnt a lot of important algorithms.  
Assignments and quizzes helped me learn concepts faster.  
Overall: 5/5  
Returning to module information menu...  

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3.1.9 View all reviews

Lists out all the reviews for all modules added to UniTracker.

Example for listing all the modules’ reviews:

In this example, modules CS3243 and CS2113T have already been added through the add module feature.
Reviews for these modules have already been added through the add a review feature.

> 9
For CS3243:  
The lectures were very entertaining. I have learnt a lot of important algorithms.  
Assignments and quizzes helped me learn concepts faster.  
Overall: 5/5  
For CS2113T:  
Very fun! We learnt a lot of important programming concepts.  
Java is also a fun language:)  
GitHub is difficult but very important to know about it.  
Overall: 5/5   
Returning to module information menu...  

→ Go To Table of Contents
→ Go To Command Summary

3.1.10 Delete a Review

Deletes any existing reviews of existing modules.
Example of deleting a review of an existing module:

In this example, modules CS3243 and CS2113T have already been added through the add module feature.
Reviews for these modules have already been added through the add a review feature.

> 10  
Here are the modules in your Modules List:    
[1] --- CS3243  
[2] --- CS2113T  
Enter the module number to delete review:  
> 1  
WARNING: You are deleting a review. This cannot be undone.  
Are you sure you want to delete this review? [Y/N]  
For CS2113T:  
The lectures were very entertaining. I have learnt a lot of important algorithms.    
Assignments and quizzes helped me learn concepts faster.   
Overall: 5/5    
> Y  
For this module: CS2113T - 
You've deleted this review: 
The lectures were very entertaining. I have learnt a lot of important algorithms.   
Assignments and quizzes helped me learn concepts faster.   
Overall: 5/5  
Returning to module information menu...  

→ Go To Table of Contents
→ Go To Command Summary

3.1.11 Add New Task

Refer to this section.

3.1.12 Delete Task

Refer to this section.

Refer to this section.

Refer to this section.

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→ Go To Command Summary

3.2 CAP Simulator/Calculator

The CAP Simulator/Calculator feature allows you to calculate your future CAP base on your current CAP and total MCs counted towards CAP.

To navigate to CAP Simulator/Calculator, type 2 from the main menu.

CAP Simulator/Calculator menu:

Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add CAP and Number of MCs graded taken
[2] --- View CAP and Number of MCs graded taken
[3] --- Simulate future CAP
[4] --- Exit

→ Go To Table of Contents
→ Go To Command Summary

3.2.1 Add CAP and Number of MCs counted towards CAP

Adds current CAP and MCs counted into the CAP.

MCs that counts into your CAP does not include modules with zero grade points.

CAP entered is rounded to 2 decimal places (2dp).
The program exits back to CAP Simulator/Calculator menu if CAP is invalid.
[i.e. negative CAP or CAP > 5.0]
The maximum number of MCs you can add is 220.

Example of adding CAP and total MCs counted towards CAP:

Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add CAP and Number of MCs graded taken
[2] --- View CAP and Number of MCs graded taken
[3] --- Simulate future CAP
[4] --- Exit
> 1
Please key in your current CAP: [e.g. 4.33]
> 4.5
Please key in the total MCs completed (excluding modules you have S/U-ed and CS/CU modules)
> 20
Current CAP: 4.50 (rounded to 2dp)
Number of MCs completed: 20
Returning to CAP simulator/calculator menu...

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→ Go To Command Summary

3.2.2 View CAP and Number of MCs counted towards CAP

Displays current CAP and MCs counted into the CAP from input entered from 3.2.1.

Example of display on CAP and total MCs counted towards CAP:

Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add CAP and Number of MCs graded taken
[2] --- View CAP and Number of MCs graded taken
[3] --- Simulate future CAP
[4] --- Exit
> 2
Current CAP: 4.50 (rounded to 2dp)
Number of MCs completed: 20
Returning to CAP simulator/calculator menu...

→ Go To Table of Contents
→ Go To Command Summary

3.2.3 Simulate future CAP

Simulates future CAP base on the current CAP and MCs counted into the CAP. The CAP calculated will be rounded to 2 decimal places.

All simulated CAP will not be stored as it is a simulation.
You may choose to update you CAP and MCs counted in 3.2.1.

There are two versions of CAP Simulator:

To begin,

  1. Ensure your current CAP and MCs counted is up to date. You may update it under 3.2.1.
  2. Choose the choice of your simulation.
    • If your choice is v1.0, v1.0 CAP Simulator will calculate from the grades present in existing modules and returns to CAP Simulator/Calculator menu once simulation is completed.
    • If your choice is v2.0, v2.0 CAP Simulator will prompt you for a grade, followed by a prompt for MCs.

Once done, enter ok when prompt with entering a new grade again (for v2.0 only).

List of accepted grades: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, D+, D, F, SU

When you enter CAP Simulator, it will welcome you with the following interface!

Welcome to CAP Simulator!
Note: CAP Simulated takes your current CAP and total number of MCs taken into account.
If you intend to calculate your CAP solely on new entries, 
please go back to the HelpGraduation menu and set existing CAP and MCs taken to be 0.

Key in 1 to simulate your cap base on the grades you have entered before for each module.
Key in 2 to simulate cap base on your own input.

Example on CAP simulator:

Version 1

Ensure the MCs and grade entered into each module is up to date for meaningful simulation. You may update the MCs and grade of each module in 3.1.6 and 3.1.7 respectively. The grades and MCs for each simulation is shown for you to know.

> 1
Welcome to CAP Simulator Version 1!
Calculating on the following entries: 
Grades: [SU, A, null]
MCs: [4, 8, 1]
Current CAP: 4.50
Current Graded MCs taken: 20
The simulated cumulative average point (rounded to 2 d.p) you have is: 
Returning to CAP simulator/calculator menu...

Version 2

Empty entries will be shown as “[]” to denote you have not entered any grades and MCs.

> 2
Welcome to CAP Simulator Version 2!
You have chosen to simulate CAP base on your input.
When prompted to key in grade, you may key in 'q' to quit and 'ok' to generate simulated CAP.
You may key in your letter grades follow by MCs associated with the letter grade after each prompt. 

Key in a grade: [e.g. A+, B, B-]
> A
Key in MCs for the associated module: 
> 6
Key in a grade: [e.g. A+, B, B-]
> ok
Calculating on the following entries: 
Grades: [A]
MCs: [6]
Current CAP: 4.50
Current Graded MCs taken: 20
The simulated cumulative average point (rounded to 2 d.p) you have is: 
Returning to CAP simulator/calculator menu...

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→ Go To Command Summary

3.3 Task Manager

The Task Manager feature allows you to add, mark or unmark as done, delete, pin and view your tasks.

Task Manager menu:

Welcome to the Task Manager menu ^o^
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add New Task
[2] --- Mark/Unmark a Task as Done
[3] --- Delete a Task
[4] --- View All Tasks
[5] --- Pin a Task
[6] --- Exit

Navigating to the Task Manager Menu

First, return to the main menu. You can then navigate to the Task Manager menu by inputting 3.

Here is a demonstration for navigating to the Task Manager menu from the main menu:

In this example,

  1. No tasks have been pinned.
  2. User inputs are indicated via a preceding >.
This is the list of your pinned tasks:

Main Menu:
[1] Module Information
[2] CAP Simulator/Calculator
[3] Task Manager
[4] External Links
[5] Exit Program
> 3
Welcome to the Task Manager menu ^o^
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add New Task
[2] --- Mark/Unmark a Task as Done
[3] --- Delete a Task
[4] --- View All Tasks
[5] --- Pin a Task
[6] --- Exit

→ Go To Table of Contents
→ Go To Command Summary

3.3.1 Add New Task

Adds a task of type normal task, assignment, midterm or final exam into the task list.

A normal task has the following 2 fields which cannot be empty:
1) Description: the description of the task.
2) Message: the message you will see upon marking the task as done.

Example for adding a task of type normal task with the task description of Work on user guide and message being Wow yay~:

In this example,

  1. Module CS2113T has already been added through the add module feature.
  2. User inputs are indicated via a preceding >.
  Please choose which type of task you would like to add and enter the number:
  [1] --- Normal Task
  [2] --- Assignment
  [3] --- Midterm
  [4] --- Final Exam
  > 1
  What is the module of the task you want to add? Enter the number:
  This is the list of modules:
  [1] CS2113T
  > 1
  What is the description of the task you want to add?
  > Work on user guide
  What is the message you would like to see after completing this?
  > Wow yay~
  You've added this: [CS2113T][    ] Work on User Guide

For adding an assignment, midterm or final exam, there will be two additional fields which cannot be empty:

  1. Date: Format is YYYY-MM-DD
    (Y stands for the year, M stands for the month and D stands for the day)
  2. Time: Format is HH:MM
    (H stands for hour in 24H standard and M stands for minute)

If you were to input an invalid date format, you will see this error message to prompt you to try again: Please enter a valid date format.

If you were to input an invalid time format, you will see this error message to prompt you to try again: Please enter a valid time format.

Example for adding a task of type assignment with the task description of Work on user guide and message being Wow yay~:

In this example,

  1. Module CS2113T has already been added through the add module feature.
  2. User inputs are indicated via a preceding >.
Please choose which type of task you would like to add and enter the number:
[1] --- Normal Task
[2] --- Assignment
[3] --- Midterm
[4] --- Final Exam
> 2
What is the module of the assignment you want to add? Enter the number:

This is the list of modules:
[1] CS2113T
> 1
What is the description of the assignment you want to add?
> Work on user guide
What is the date of the assignment you want to add?
> 2021-03-14
What is the time of the assignment you want to add?
> 23:59
What is the message you would like to see after completing this?
> Wow yay~
You've added this: [CS2113T][    ] Work on User Guide (by: Mar 14 2021, 11:59 PM)

If you were to input an invalid command when choosing the module of the task, you will be asked if you want to add a new module:
No such module! Would you like to add a module? [Y/N]

If there are no existing modules, you will see this message instead:
There are no modules! Would you like to add a module? [Y/N]

After adding a task, you will return to the menu you accessed this feature from. This feature can be accessed from both the Task Manager and Module Information menus.

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3.3.2 Mark/Unmark a Task as Done

Marks a task of type normal task, assignment, midterm or final exam from the task list as done or undone, depending on its current status. When a task is first added, its status will be undone by default.

Upon marking a task is done, the message that you inputted when adding a new task will be displayed.

In the following two examples,

  1. normal task [CS2113T][ ] Work on User Guide has already been added through the add new task feature.
  2. User inputs are indicated via a preceding >.

Example for marking a task type normal task with a task description of Work on user guide as done and message being Wow yay~:

Please choose which type of task you would like to mark/unmark as done and enter the number:
[1] --- Normal Task
[2] --- Assignment
[3] --- Midterm
[4] --- Final Exam
> 1
This is the list of your normal tasks:  
1. [CS2113T][    ] Work on User Guide  

What is the number of the task you want to mark/unmark?
> 1
This task is not marked as done. Would you like to mark it? [Y/N]
> Y
You've marked this as done: [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide
NOTE: Wow yay~

Example for unmarking a task of type normal task with a task description of Work on user guide as done and message being Wow yay~:

Please choose which type of task you would like to mark/unmark as done and enter the number:
[1] --- Normal Task
[2] --- Assignment
[3] --- Midterm
[4] --- Final Exam
> 1
This is the list of your normal tasks:  
1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide  

What is the number of the task you want to mark/unmark?
> 1
This task is marked as done. Would you like to unmark it? [Y/N]
> Y
You've marked this as not done: [CS2113T][    ] Work on User Guide

Your input to the confirmation of marking/unmarking the task is NOT case-sensitive.

If you were to input n or N, UniTracker will return to the TaskManager menu. If you were to input an invalid command, you will see the following error message:
Invalid input! Please input Y or N.

Additionally, if you were to input an invalid command when choosing the task, you will see the following error message:
Invalid input! Please enter a valid integer from the list.

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3.3.3 Delete a Task

Deletes a task of type normal task, assignment, midterm or final exam from the task list.

Example for deleting a task of type normal task with the task description of Work on user guide:

In this example,

  1. The normal task [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide has already been added through the add new task feature and marked as done by the mark/unmark a task feature.
  2. User inputs are indicated via a preceding >.
  Please choose which type of task you would like to delete and enter the number:
  [1] --- Normal Task
  [2] --- Assignment
  [3] --- Midterm
  [4] --- Final Exam
  > 1
  This is the list of your normal tasks:  
  1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide  
  What is the number of the task you want to delete?
  > 1
  You've deleted this: [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide  

If you were to input an invalid command when choosing the task, you will see the following error message:
Invalid input! Please enter a valid integer from the list.

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3.3.4 View All Tasks

Prints all existing tasks of type normal task, assignment, midterm and final exam from the task list.


In this example,

  1. The normal task [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide and [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide (by: Mar 14 2021, 11:49 PM) have already been added through the add new task feature and marked as done by the mark/unmark a task feature.
  2. User inputs are indicated via a preceding >.
  This is the list of your pinned tasks:  

  This is the list of your normal tasks:  
  1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide  

  This is the list of your assignments:  
  1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide (by: Mar 14 2021, 11:49 PM)  

  This is the list of your midterms:  

  This is the list of your final exams:  

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3.3.5 Pin a Task

Pins a task of type normal task, assignment, midterm or final exam from the task list. The list of pinned tasks will be displayed whenever you enter the main menu or want to view all your tasks. The pinned tasks will be listed according to its task type, etc all assignment tasks will be listed together.

Example of pinning a task of type normal task with the task description of Work on user guide:

In this example,

  1. The normal task [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide has already been added through the add new task feature and marked as done by the mark/unmark a task feature.
  2. User inputs are indicated via a preceding >.
  Please choose which type of task you would like to pin and enter the number:  
  [1] --- Normal Task  
  [2] --- Assignment  
  [3] --- Midterm  
  [4] --- Final Exam  
  > 1
  This is the list of your normal tasks:  
  1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide  
  What is the number of the task you want to pin? 
  > 1
  You've pinned this: [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide  

If you were to input an invalid command when choosing the task, you will see the following error message:
Invalid input! Please enter a valid integer from the list.

Following this, if you were to view all your tasks, it will be updated accordingly:

  This is the list of your pinned tasks:  
  1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide
  This is the list of your normal tasks:  
  1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide  
  This is the list of your assignments:  
  1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide (by: Mar 14 2021, 11:49 PM)  
  This is the list of your midterms:  
  This is the list of your final exams:  

You can also see your pinned tasks in the main menu:

This is the list of your pinned tasks:
1. [CS2113T][DONE] Work on User Guide

Main Menu:
[1] Module Information
[2] CAP Simulator/Calculator
[3] Task Manager
[4] External Links
[5] Exit Program

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The Links feature allows you to add and keep track of http and https links, and the meeting password.

To access this menu, please enter 4 from the Main Menu.

Links menu:

Welcome to the Links menu ^~^
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- External Links menu
[2] --- Add Zoom links
[3] --- Delete Zoom links
[4] --- View Zoom links
[5] --- Exit to main menu

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Add, remove or view all your links (except zoom links) here.

By default on the application start-up, the External Links list has been populated once with

To access this menu, Please enter 4 to reach the Links Menu, then followed by 1.

External links menu:

Welcome to the External Links menu!
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add link
[2] --- Remove link
[3] --- View links
[4] --- Exit to Links menu

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Adds an external link that follows the format to the external links list.

The application checks for duplicate links, so any duplicates that you add will be automatically removed!

Format: <scheme>://www.<domain name>.<TLD>

Supported schemes include: https, http only

Supported Top Level Domain(TLD) include: .com, .org, .sg, .edu, .gov


  1. While using other TLDs that have not been included in the list above might work, the intended behaviour is not guaranteed and might vary in such cases.
  2. This feature accepts uppercase characters too and converts it to lowercase for your convenience. Hence, a link like: HTTPS//WWW.YOUTUBE.COM would become
  3. Due to the offline nature of the application, we are unable to check if the link is legitimate.

Example for adding an external link:

> 1
Please enter the link in this format:
<scheme>://www.<domain name>.<TLD>
Supported schemes: https, http only
Supported TLD: .com, .org, .sg, .edu, .gov

Alright! I have added the following link ---
Returning to the External Links menu...

Welcome to the External Links menu!
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add link
[2] --- Remove link
[3] --- View links
[4] --- Exit to Links menu

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Removes an external link from the external links list.

Example for removing an external link:

> 2
These are the links you have added --->
[1] ---
[2] ---
[3] ---
[4] ---

Please choose which link you would like to delete and enter the number
> 4
You have deleted ---
Returning to the External Links menu...

Welcome to the External Links menu!
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add link
[2] --- Remove link
[3] --- View links
[4] --- Exit to Links menu

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Allows you to view all external links stored in the application.

Example for viewing external links:

> 3
These are the links you have added --->
[1] ---
[2] ---
[3] ---

Returning to the External Links menu...

Welcome to the External Links menu!
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- Add link
[2] --- Remove link
[3] --- View links
[4] --- Exit to Links menu

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Adds a zoom link, and tags it to a module of your choice together with the meeting password (if available).


  1. The system currently only allows you to add one zoom link per module.
  2. Please ensure that you enter the correct Zoom Link as the app is unable to verify it. You can always delete it later if it is wrong by using Feature 3.4.6

Example for adding a zoom link:

> 2
Please enter the number of the module you wish to add
This is the list of modules:
[1] CS2113T
[2] CG1112
[3] CS2040C
> 3
Please enter the zoom link below
Does your meeting have password which you would like to add? [Y/N]
> y
Please enter your password below!
> itsasecret
Woohoo~ Zoom link added: for CS2040C

Returning to the Links menu...

Welcome to the Links menu ^~^
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- External Links menu
[2] --- Add Zoom links
[3] --- Delete Zoom links
[4] --- View Zoom links
[5] --- Exit to main menu

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Deletes a zoom link of your choice

Example for deleting the zoom link:

> 3
Here are your zoom links!

[1] --- CS2040C itsasecret
[2] --- CS2113T no password entered
[3] --- CG1112 cs2113t

Please choose which link you would like to delete and enter the number
> 1
You have deleted ---
Returning to the Links menu...

Welcome to the Links menu ^~^
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- External Links menu
[2] --- Add Zoom links
[3] --- Delete Zoom links
[4] --- View Zoom links
[5] --- Exit to main menu

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View all zoom links stored in the application

Example for viewing all zoom links:

> 4
Here are your zoom links!

[1] --- CS2113T no password entered
[2] --- CG1112 cs2113t

Returning to the Links menu...

Welcome to the Links menu ^~^
Please choose which action you would like to do and enter the number:
[1] --- External Links menu
[2] --- Add Zoom links
[3] --- Delete Zoom links
[4] --- View Zoom links
[5] --- Exit to main menu

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→ Go To Command Summary

4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Am I able to transfer data to another computer?
A: Yes, you can! Firstly, locate the UniTracker Jar file on your desired computer. If the folder already contains a ‘UniTracker Data’ folder, delete it. Then, copy the ‘UniTracker Data’ folder over from your current computer to the folder containing the Jar file on your desired computer.

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5. Command Summary

Features Menu Command to enter from the Main Menu
Add a Module Module Information 1, 1
View a Module Module Information 1, 2
View All Modules Module Information 1, 3
Delete a Module Module Information 1, 4
Add/View Components and Their Weightages Module Information 1, 5
Add Module’s Modular Credits (MC) Module Information 1, 6
Add Module Grade Module Information 1, 7
Add a Review Module Information 1, 8
View All Reviews Module Information 1, 9
Delete a Review Module Information 1, 10
Add CAP and Number of MCs counted towards CAP Cap Simulator / Calculator 2, 1
View CAP and Number of MCs counted towards CAP Cap Simulator / Calculator 2, 2
Simulate future CAP Cap Simulator / Calculator 2, 3
Add a new Task Task Manager 3, 1 or 1, 11
Mark/Unmark a Task as Done Task Manager 3, 2
Delete a new Task Task Manager 3, 3 or 1, 12
View all Tasks Task Manager 3, 4
Pin a Task Task Manager 3, 5
External Links Menu External Links 4, 1
Add an External Link External Links 4, 1, 1
Remove an External Link External Links 4, 1, 2
View all Links External Links 4, 1 , 3
Links Menu Links 4
Add a Zoom Link Links 4, 2 or 1, 13
Delete Zoom Link Links 4,3 or 1, 14
View Zoom Links Links 4, 3

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